Susan Kuppen, MA

Susan Kuppen, MA


Phone number
088 495 20 00


Susan has been with Hezelburcht since 2010. She’s specialised in ESF and HR grants. Her focus area slowly shifted from grants to compliance. Clients have become more aware of the importance of reliable implementation of grant processes. Susan also pays close attention to internal process management and is responsible for safeguarding ISO requirements.

As a Financial Consultant my job is to make sure our clients receive the correct documents on time. I also make sure that our clients’ project, hour and financial administration meet all the right criteria. Finally, I draft interim and final reports. This way we maintain control and are able to guarantee the client receives their grant.

Working at Hezelburcht

Since January 2010


  • Translator | Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • Communication- and Information Sciences (MSc) | Radboud University

