Marie-Sophie Barreau-Verhaar, MSc

Marie-Sophie Barreau-Verhaar, MSc


Phone number
088 495 20 00

The Hague

Marie has been working at Hezelburcht since July 2022. With a background in public administration and experience in EU policy analysis, she supports the European Grants team as a consultant.

Working in academia & research has shown me how instrumental funding can be in achieving progress and enabling innovative solutions. As a consultant, I use my knowledge of EU institutions and policies to help clients navigate the EU funding landscape and achieve their ambitions. I find being a part of an organisation’s journey to success incredibly rewarding and really enjoy the diversity of the projects we get to support here at Hezelburcht.

In my spare time, I enjoy doing crafts and knitting. When in France, I also love hiking and spending time in Lyon.

Working at Hezelburcht

Since July 2022


  • Public Administration: EU Governance (MSc) | Leiden Universiteit
  • Geography: Spatial Planning Track (BSc) | University Lyon II
  • History and Political Science (BSc) | University Lyon II


EU Affairs, Urban Planning


Marie-Sophie Barreau on LinkedIn