Marc van Workum, MA

Marc van Workum, MA


Phone number
088 495 20 00


Marc grew up in Zetten where he graduated highschool. He continued his educational career with a propaedeutics in Arabian Language & Culture followed by Middle Eastern Studies at the Raboud University in Nijmegen. After college he worked as an accountant for 2,5 years for the Department of Foreign Affairs at the Dutch Embassy located in Cairo, Egypt. He followed this career with a job as an account at NUON in Arnhem.

I’m one of the original employees at Hezelburcht! I started here in 2000 and still enjoy it to this day. My job as controller at Hezelburcht is very dynamic. Everyday I’m responsible for the debit- and creditmanagement as well as the wage administration. In my free time I enjoy working in my home garden.

Working at Hezelburcht

Since September 2000


Middle East Studies (MA) | Radboud University


Debtors & creditors management & wage administration


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