University of Twente | NWO-Talentprogramme Vici

The scientific community conducts ongoing research on various substances and their structures to gain further knowledge. The University of Twente is actively engaged in this endeavour and has conducted research into atomic physics in the solid state. Atomic physics involves the structure of atoms and their associated electron shells, the interaction of atoms and ions with other atoms or ions, solid state, electromagnetic radiation, and magnetic fields. Gaining deeper insights into atomic physics can, in the long term, contribute to enhancing the scientific sector and addressing societal challenges.

Fabrication of Electronic Circuits

At the University of Twente, there is a focus on fabricating electronic circuits with a single atom at their core. This is ideal for studying atomic properties such as ionisation energy and nuclear spin. The aim of this scientific research is to gain a clearer understanding of the quantum mechanical effects of an atom and its electrons. The fabrication of electronic circuits with a single atom could, in the long run, serve as a building block for quantum computers, which in turn could contribute to solving significant societal challenges. Thus, the scientific research at the University of Twente has the potential to drive innovation in science and yield profound effects.

The Role of Hezelburcht

The research team at the University of Twente discussed the vision of their research with specialists from Hezelburcht, after which our specialists supported the team throughout the entire process. Following the submission of an NWO-Talentprogramme Vici application, NWO (panel ENW) determined that the subject matter was a significant and challenging topic within the field of research. The thorough preparation, communication, and development have therefore led to a successful collaboration!