ParkinsonNet (RUMC)

Parkinson is a disease that affects more people at an increasingly early age. To organise long-term care for these people in the best possible way, a national network has been set up in the Netherlands with more than 4,000 healthcare providers from 20 disciplines specialising in treating and supporting people living with Parkinson’s disease: ParkinsonNet. ParkinsonNet aims to provide the best possible care and improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson’s.

ParkinsonNet began in the Netherlands in 2004 on a small scale and has since successfully scaled up to a nationwide network, with proven positive results for people with Parkinson’s disease and the healthcare system. In 2014, they crossed national borders. This resulted in now three implementations of the care model abroad. Again, with success. Partly because of these results, organisations in Italy, France and Poland want to adopt the concept under the leadership of ParkinsonNet Netherlands.

Transforming Health and Care Systems

The European Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) grant scheme launched last year, in collaboration with Dutch grant provider ZonMw, proved to be a perfect way to realise ParkinsonNet’s global ambition. For this new scheme, whose time to deadline was short, the support of a grant advisor in the application process was more than desirable.

Specialists from Hezelburcht, Marlieke van Kesteren and Nina van der Vaart, offered this support to ParkinsonNet. By teasing out the requirements of the scheme, advising on the structure of the consortium and the work plan and helping to write up the application in an orderly manner. And with success: the ACTION-PD project was honoured and officially launched on 12 September!

Successful collaboration

All involved look back on this application process positively. Specialists Marlieke and Nina learned a lot about this new scheme, which now has an annual call. ParkinsonNet’s clients also experienced the support and unburdening as very pleasant. A successful collaboration between ParkinsonNet and Hezelburcht!

Your contribution in the writing phase was crucial, so many thanks again. - Marjan Meinders - Radboudumc