North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity | Interreg

From 1 January 2016 onwards, ships must treat their ballast water before discharging. This is to prevent the spread and introduction of invasive species. The North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity project (NWBSO) started in 2009. At the start of the project, it was known that, whilst ships were obliged to treat their ballast water, good ballast water treatment systems and methods to test and monitor both the operation of the systems and ballast water were not yet available.

In the context of the NSBWO project, more than 30 organisations operating in the North Sea region have committed themselves to the development of ballast water treatment systems and testing methods to monitor both the treatment systems and the ballast water to be discharged. The NSBWO project was the largest project in the Interreg IVB North Sea Region programme and continues to have a broad international impact.


  • NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NL)
  • Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (D)
  • IMO World Maritime University (S)
  • CaTO Marine Ecosystems (NL)
  • GoConsult (D)
  • DHIGroup (DK)
  • Imares Wageningen UR (NL)
  • ImarEST (UK)
  • Cytobuoy (NL)
  • ZebraBioscience (NL)
  • Mahle NFV (D)
  • Evonik Degussa (D)
  • Cathelco R&D Centre (D)
  • University of Newcastle (UK)
  • Ovizio Imaging Systems (B)
  • Brockmann Consultancy (D)


  • A total of 30 sub-partners


Interreg IVB North Sea Region