
Allego has been working on end-to-end charging solutions and e-mobility to get EVs charged since 2013. They focus on installing, exploiting, monitoring and maintaining the charging infrastructure for cities, companies and consumers. Today they are one of the leading providers of charging solutions with a pan-European presence, and have over 14,000 charging stations in their network.

Electric transport and an open charging infrastructure

The Netherlands is one of the leaders in the field of electric transport. The number of electric vehicles in the Netherlands is expected to grow exponentially in the upcoming years, and the charging infrastructure will grow alongside that. Public charging poles are the main type of charging solution in the Netherlands. These public charging poles limit the customer’s charging choices, often just providing one solution. In contrast, household energy solutions offer the customer a choice based on price and sustainability.
During a charging session, EV drivers therefore automatically receive energy from the supplier that has entered into a contract with the operator of the charging station in question. It is not yet possible to couple multiple energy suppliers to a charging station and let the customer decide. This creates a number of undesirable outcomes for all the parties involved but above all, it impedes transparent and competitive electric charging. Allego, in cooperation with EXE, EnergyZero, Vandebron, Nieuwestroom and Mijndomein wants to change this.

Developing intelligent solutions using Urban Energy grant

In order to accomplish these changes, Allego and its project partners have developed an intelligent software platform in which it is possible to choose between multiple energy suppliers on one charging pole. One of the direct effects of this solution is an increase in competition due to the e-mobility lock-in situation being broken. The proposed solution is being tested in pilot form at 150 charging points in the municipality of Arnhem.

Participants in the pilot programme can choose between three energy suppliers: Vandebron, Nieuwestroom and Mijndomein Energie. This freedom of choice forces suppliers to convince consumers using sustainable and innovative propositions. If the pilot programme is successful, the number of suppliers and charging points will be increased in the future.

TSE Urban Energy: Best-rated application of 2018

Hezelburcht was involved in the request from the start, providing support and assisting in the grant request. Thanks in part to Hezelburcht’s early involvement and the projects potential impact, a high-quality Urban Energy application was produced. The application was rated the best Top Sector Energy (TSE) application for Urban Energy’s programme line 5 by the Dutch RVO.

An amazing result, which Allego, EXE, Vandebron, MijnDomein Energie, EnergyZero, Nieuwestroom and Hezelburcht are very proud of!