The new CEF Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) call 2024/2025
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) has recently launched a call for proposals under the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF), part of the CEF Transport grant programme. This initiative aims to allocate € 1 billion to bolster the deployment of alternative fuels supply infrastructure across the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T). The call is open for applications from 29 February and has three different cut-off dates in 2024 and 2025.
Focus of CEF AFIF call 2024/2025
During its second phase spanning 2024-2025, AFIF will specifically focus on achieving the objectives outlined in the new Regulation for the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (AFIR). These objectives pertain to the establishment of publicly accessible electric recharging pools and hydrogen refuelling stations along the European Union’s primary transport corridors and hubs. Additionally, AFIF aligns with the goals set forth in the ReFuelEU aviation and FuelEU maritime Regulations.
Eligible topics
The eligible projects for funding encompass a wide spectrum of transportation modes, including road, maritime, inland waterway, and air transport. Beyond supporting high-power electricity recharging stations and hydrogen refuelling facilities for road transport, AFIF introduces several new funding opportunities:
- Megawatt recharging stations for Heavy Duty Vehicles;
- Electricity and hydrogen supply at airports;
- Electricity supply and ammonia/methanol bunkering facilities in ports.
To qualify for AFIF funding, projects must demonstrate maturity and have received a financing approval letter from an Implementing Partner or a public/private financial institution within the European Union.
Project requirements
CEF AFIF focuses on mature projects ready for implementation. Subsequently, eligible costs consist of investments and implementation costs and non-eligible costs include amongst others: Staff costs, costs relating to any type of studies, design and work supervision, communication, dissemination and project management either in-house or outsourced, Requirements your project must meet:
- For projects requesting unit contributions, the project should request at least € 2 million subsidy
- For co-funding rate projects the minimal subsidy requested should be at least € 1 million subsidy
- The project should be finished within 39 months from the cut-off date under which you apply. The starting date of your project cannot be earlier than application date.
Budget and funding rates CEF AFIF 2024/2025
CEF AFIF functions as a co-financing instrument requiring that 10% of the eligible costs of the action are financed by either an Implementing Partner (2/3 of budget) or a public/private financial institution within the European Union (1/3 of budget). The total budget of € 1 billion is divided between the General Envelope (€ 780 million) and the Cohesion Envelope (€ 220 million). The unit contributions differ from € 20.000 to € 60.000, depending on the recharging point of minimum. The co-funding rate can reach up to 70%.
Deadlines CEF AFIF 2024
Applications can be submitted since 29 February 2024 and the call has three different deadlines for submissions:
- First Cut-off date: 24 September 2024
- Second Cut-off date: 11 June 2025
- Third Cut-off date: 4 March 2026
Help or advice?
Do you have questions about the new CEF AFIF call or could you use help preparing your application? Our specialists are happy to assist you! Get in touch via or call us directly by phone: +31 85 580 75 91.