Hezelburcht successful in supporting Universities with grant applications

There is always a field of tension for universities and researchers. There are many ambitious plans for top research and technologies of the future, but how do you get them funded? National and European grants and scholarships can offer a solution! However, identifying, managing and successfully applying for these funds can be time-consuming and complex. Applying the right expertise can prove invaluable!

Some example projects & cooperations with universities

Hezelburcht is very proud on our solid collaboration with several universities. By using independent grant advice and full-service support we help top researchers realise their ambitions. Our activities vary from identifying scholarships and grants, full support for large consortium applications, writing and/or reviewing of personal grants and project management of granted projects. Below you will find some inspiring grant projects and collaborations, which we are happy to contribute to!

Radboud University – €2.5 million ERC Grant

Experimental physicist Prof. Nigel Hussey of the Radboud University has recently received an ERC Advanced Grant of €2.5 million for his CATCH-22 project. His ERC Advanced project is aimed at testing the paradox properties of exotic metals. We are proud to have supported prof. Hussey by reviewing his proposal in multiple review rounds.

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TU Eindhoven – Full-service grant support & desk

Since September 2017 Hezelburcht has been providing structural support to the department of Biomedical Technology in order to further professionalise their grant acquisition policy. Due to our grant management and the grant desk the professors of TU/e can focus more on performing research and, moreover, revenues from grants has increased.

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Utrecht University – Structural grant support HGS

Researchers of the department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning have been supported by Hezelburcht since 2016. Thanks to smart use of several grant opportunities individual researchers have successfully applied for grants such as the Dutch ‘NWO vernieuwingsimpuls’ Veni and Vidi grants and the European Research Council (ERC) Starting grants.

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University of Twente – €1.5 million ERC Grant

Assistent professor David Fernandez Rivas received a prestigious €1.5 million grant from the ERC for his research regarding needle-free injections. In the Bubble Gun project, he is working on a revolutionary needle-free injection technology that will be able to be predictable, reproducible and efficiently inject liquids in soft matter. Hezelburcht is proud to have supported him with his application, read more about it here!

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Interested in discovering grant possiblities?

Interested in our services and expertise? Please feel free to contact us for more information or an introductionary meeting free of charge. Our specialists would be pleased to help and advice your faculty or university!

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Interested in our services and expertise? Please feel free to contact us for more information or an introductionary meeting free of charge.