Stay informed about the latest grants opportunities and developments in the subsidy landscape! In addition to the latest news, you will also find interesting knowledge and opinion articles written by our specialists.
Stay informed about the latest grants opportunities and developments in the subsidy landscape! In addition to the latest news, you will also find interesting knowledge and opinion articles written by our specialists.
Are you part of a scientific consortium that belongs to the absolute world top or is very close to i...
For cross-border projects aimed at realizing infrastructure for the generation and transport of sust...
Are you a Dutch/ Flemish SME from the southern provinces and do you work together with a Dutch/Flemi...
Are you an SME in a technological R&D-sector working with international partner(s)? Or are you p...
A good grant application is characterised by strong written text. But visuals and infographics are (...
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) aim to raise the level of excellence in Europe’s scien...
On December 19th 2022, the European Research Council (ERC) has announced their changes to the propos...
ELISE – European Network of AI Excellence Centres – has opened its second call for SMEs and star...
On 3 November, the European Commission launched the third call for large scale projects of the Innov...
The new Horizon Europe Work Programme for 2023 – 2024 has been confirmed by the European Commi...
Horizon Europe funds different types of collaborative projects. The research and innovation action (...
The growing demand for plant-based (meat) substitutes is causing companies to become increasingly cr...