New NWO call for interdisciplinary and knowledge chain-wide consortia 

Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) National Research Agenda. Research along routes by Consortia 2019

NWO has opened a new call (NWA-ORC 2019) for interdisciplinary and knowledge chain-wide consortia consisting of Dutch parties that fit with the National Research Agenda (NWA). The NWA describes broad, societal challenges which require a national approach whereby the Dutch (and global) knowledge economy as well as society at large can benefit from research performed in The Netherlands.

Purpose of the NWA programme

The NWA programme aims to build bridges between different scientific fields, between different forms of research (fundamental, applied, practice-oriented) and between diverse national and international knowledge agendas.The aim of the NWA-ORC 2019 call for proposals is to fund research and innovation focused on the NWA routes, designed and implemented by interdisciplinary consortia spanning the entire knowledge chain, in which relevant social partners are also represented.

Aim of proposals

Proposals should address one or more NWA routes; starting point for this is the portfolio for Research and Innovation. Proposals must focus on research and innovation and aim to achieve societal and/or scientific breakthroughs. Active cooperation within the knowledge chain, from basic knowledge to policy and practical applications and vice versa, is of vital importance. Each consortium is required to state how society in the broadest sense will be involved in the design and implementation of the proposed research project.

Application and available budget

The NWA-ORC 2019 call for proposals has three phases:

  • Initiative – May 9th 2019.
  • Pre-proposal – June 6th 2019
  • Full proposal – January 16th 2020,

The announcing of initiatives has been introduced to enable potential partners to register and possibly join the consortium. A pre-proposal may only be submitted if an initiative has previously been submitted. A full proposal may only be submitted if a preproposal has been positively reviewed.

Applications can be submitted with the following budget ranges:

  • € 0.5 – € 2 million;
  • € 2 – € 5 million;
  • € 5 – € 10 million.

Important is that participating co-financiers jointly contribute at least 10% of the total project budget in the form of co-funding.


Proposals have to fit within the NWA-ORC programme and have to lead to scientific breakthroughs along the NWA routes. Full applications will be assessed against the following three criteria:

  1. Quality of the research proposal;
  2. Quality of the consortium;
  3. Potential scientific and/or societal breakthroughs.

More information?

Are you curious to discover whether your research activities are connected to the NWO-NWA-ORC call? The specialists of Hezelburcht have broad experience with these types of applications. We would be pleased to help and advice you. Please contact us for more information!

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Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!