New calls Horizon Europe: Mission Climate & Mission Ocean

Three new grant calls have been launched within Horizon Europe, aimed at climate adaptation and restoring oceans and waters. These grant calls are part of two EU Missions: Mission Climate and Mission Ocean. The EU Missions are specifically formulated challenges with ambitious objectives that must be achieved by 2030. A total of five EU Missions have been drawn up by the European Commission (EC). The three new calls have a total budget of € 233.7 million. You can submit project proposals until September 18, 2024.

Three new calls Mission Climate & Mission Ocean

The total budget of € 233.7 million is divided over three calls. To be eligible, your project must relate to a topic within one of the calls. The budget is divided as follows:

What are the EU Missions?

The EC has formulated five important challenges as EU Missions. These challenges have ambitious objectives and need concrete results by 2030. The EU Missions are part of the large-scale EU program Horizon Europe. The EU Missions consist of:

  • Mission Climate – Climate adaptation: at least 150 EU regions and communities must be climate resilient by 2030
  • Mission Cancer – Partnering with the European Cancer Control Plan to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cures, and solutions to live longer and better.
  • Mission Ocean – Restoring oceans and waters by 2030.
  • Mission Cities – 100 climate-neutral and smart cities in 2030.
  • Mission Soil – A Soil Deal for Europe: 100 testing grounds and lighthouses to lead the transition to healthy soil by 2030.

Want to know more about the new calls? Or about EU Missions?

Are you developing a research proposal aimed at adapting to climate change? Or are you delving into an issue aimed at restoring our oceans and waters? Then explore the possibilities of these EU Missions! Please contact one of our specialists, we will be happy to assist you. Contact us via or call us on 088 495 20 00.

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