New call and challenge announced for Active Assisted Living (AAL) in 2021

The European programme Active Assisted Living (AAL) focuses on creating a digital world that is accessible to and designed to assist the elderly. The ultimate goal is to create a better quality of life for older people by stimulating healthy ageing technology and innovations. The AAL Association announced on November 23 the challenge for the AAL 2021 call for proposals: Advancing Inclusive Health & Care Solutions for Ageing Well in the New Decade.

The goal and elements of the AAL 2021 call

The call aims to support innovative, transnational and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects and keeps an open approach to all previous application areas:

  • Health & Care
  • Information & Communication
  • Leisure & Culture
  • Living & Buildings
  • Mobility & Transport
  • Safety & Security
  • Vitality & Abilities
  • Work & Training
  • Body Functions

However, the AAL 2021 call would like to stress three elements in particular, namely:

  1. an inclusive health & care approach (health prevention, preservation of physical & mental health, social participation);
  2. the stimulation and upscaling of innovation in active & healthy ageing through health & care eco-systems; and
  3. the accessibility of digital solutions to end users, for example through education for greater e-literacy.

For who is the AAL 2021 call?

Both Collaborative Projects and Small Collaborative Projects (SCPs) will be supported by the 2021 call. Final call information is intended to be published with the launch of the call on the AAL website by mid-December 2020.

More information

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