Internal Security Fund (ISF) for a safe Europe

The Internal Security Fund (ISF) has been set up for national and cross-border projects aimed at internal security within the European Union. This European grant programme is for projects that address security challenges in Europe and support the fight against crime, terrorism and organised crime. Over the period 2021-2027, there is € 1.93 billion budget available within the ISF.

Why the Internal Security Fund?

With the Internal Security Fund (ISF), the European Commission is committed to strengthening European security. The ISF should contribute to improving border security, lead to a strengthening of police and judicial cooperation and contribute to better prevention of and fight against organised crime, terrorism and radicalisation. Crisis management in the European Union is also a top of mind topic within the ISF programme.

What kind of projects are eligible?

Different types of projects may be eligible for the ISF. If your project is similar to one of the following activities, you can apply:

  • Purchase or procurement of ICT systems and associated training and testing;
  • Monitoring implementation of EU law and policy objectives in Member States in the field of safety information systems;
  • Activities to implement or facilitate the implementation of the EU policy Cycle/EMPACT (European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats);
  • Support for transparency within specialised national units to improve mutual trust, exchange and dissemination of knowledge, information, experience and expertise;
  • Education and training for relevant knowledge within law enforcement and judicial authorities and administrative bodies.

Budget and grant amount

For the entire term from 2021 to 2027, a total budget of € 1.93 billion has been made available by the European Commission. In 2024, € 315 million is available, divided among various priority areas. The grant amounts to a maximum of 75% of the project costs. In some cases, depending on a project’s priority area, this percentage can go up to 90% or even 100%.

Who can apply for the ISF?

The following parties can apply for funding by the Internal Security Fund:

  • National, local and regional governments;
  • International organisations;
  • Public and private research institutions and universities;
  • NGOs;
  • Companies and industrial partners.

Internal Security Fund application?

Are you working on ensuring security within Europe and are you curious about your grant opportunities? Find out whether you are eligible for the Internal Security Fund. Our specialists will discover if your project could be eligible. Contact us via or call 088 495 20 00.


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