The impact of the EC budget agreement on the EU grant programmes 2020

Agreement on budget 2020

The European Commission has agreed on the budgets for 2020. The budget of € 168.69 billion allows the European Union to focus its resources on the priorities that matter to citizens: climate change, jobs, young people, security and solidarity in Europe.

Next year’s budget will also prepare the transition to the next budgetary cycle as it will be the seventh and last one under the current 2014-2020 long-term budgetary cycle.

What has the EC decided in a nutshell?

Set at € 168.69 billion for 2020, the key focus areas are: climate change, jobs, young people, security and solidarity in the EU

  • 21% of the overall budget will go to measures to address climate change. 
  • LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Change gets € 589.6 million.
  • Horizon 2020 gets € 13.49 billion.
  • CEF | Connecting Europe Facility’s Energy strand – which invests in the large-scale deployment of renewable sources, in upgrading existing energy transmission infrastructure and developing new infrastructure – will receive € 1.28 billion (+35% compared to 2019).
  • CEF | Connecting Europe Facility’s Transport strand will be supported with € 2.58 billion.
  • € 255 million will provide incentives for European companies to work together to develop defence products and technology under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme.

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Get in touch with our specialists for more information on how to ensure you are ready to apply for funding in 2020!