Final CEF Transport Reflow call of 2020 is open

In December 2020, the European Commission (EC) announced the opening of the second Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport Reflow call. This is, together with the CEF Transport Blending Facility call, the last call of 2020 and hence the last call of the CEF Transport programme 2014-2020. Does your project offer a valuable contribution to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)? Then don’t miss out on this funding opportunity!

Second CEF Transport Reflow call

The 2020 CEF Transport Reflow call is the successor of the 2019 Reflow/MAP call. However, the current call differs slightly compared to the 2019 call. The 2019 call focused on physical implementation projects that were funded by remaining budget (reflow). The 2020 call focuses on transport projects that can be implemented during the CEF 2 programme period that runs from 2021 to 2027.

When to apply for CEF Transport Reflow?

With a total budget of € 200 million, of which € 160 million will go to all EU Member States (general envelope) and € 40 million to EU Member States that are eligible for Cohesion Fund support (cohesion envelope), the budget is less than usual. As a result, only studies-applications focusing on preparatory activities  with regard to forthcoming infrastructure works may be eligible for funding.

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Scope, funding and deadline

The infrastructure projects need to target one of the following focal points:

  • Railways
  • Inland waterways
  • Roads
  • Maritime and inland ports

Projects need to contribute to the Core network corridors on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). Furthermore, the studies need to be completed by no later than December 31, 2024.

Projects may receive funding up to 50% of the eligible costs and can be submitted until March 22, 2021.

Link to the new CEF 2 programme of 2021-2027

At first glance, the current call offers limited funding opportunities. However, this call is interesting for parties who want to participate in the CEF 2 programme that starts in 2021. Interested parties can submit infrastructure and digitisation projects in the field of transport during CEF 2 which, preferably, elaborate on the studies-projects submitted during the current CEF Reflow call.

Schedule of CEF 2

Currently, the EC is preparing the multiannual schedule of CEF 2, which will most likely be presented somewhere at the beginning of 2021. This schedule will contain a financial framework laying out all priorities for the upcoming years. it is not yet possible to draw any conclusions from this. However, the EC will probably take the approved CEF studies-projects (including those of the current CEF Transport Reflow call) into account and adjust the multiannual plan accordingly.

Need help with your CEF Transport Reflow call proposal?

Hezelburcht has many years of experience with the CEF Transport programme. This is proven by our success rate of almost 80%! We offer optimal support and guidance in drafting a project proposal for this call.

Personal advice? Contact us!
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Related grant Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is an important European funding instrument that promotes growt...Read more


Learn more about the CEF Transport Reflow call!