Fifth Interreg NWE call has been published

The fifth call of the Interreg North West Europe (NWE) programme has recently been published. Consortia with projects that contribute to smart, green and inclusive growth in the North West Europe region can apply for funding again. Project ideas can be submitted until 16 January 2025.

What projects are eligible?


The Interreg NWE grant programme is available for projects that contribute to at least one of the five identified priorities:

  1. Climate and environment
  2. Energy transition
  3. Circular economy
  4. Innovation and resilience
  5. Inclusive society


Three types of project activities are included within Interreg NWE, to be carried out in combination. These are the following activities:

  • Joint strategies and action plans
  • Pilots
  • Capacity building and awareness raising

Each project must include at least two of these activities. Activities focusing on communication and long-term impact should be integrated into all work packages and defined in the work plan.

Who can apply for Interreg NWE?

The North-West Europe programme area consists of Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, a western part of Germany and a northern part of France. International consortia consisting of governments, knowledge institutions, companies and/or non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. These consortia must include at least three partners from three different countries. At least two partners of these must also actually be based in the North-West Europe programme area. In addition, the lead partner of the consortium must be an organisation from an EU Member State within the North-West Europe programme area and this must be a public, non-profit or public-law organisation.

Application procedure & budget fifth Interreg NWE call

The application procedure involves a 2-step process and consists of submitting a project idea (step 1) and then submitting a full application (step 2). The deadline for submitting the project idea is 16 January 2025. The full application must be submitted before 10 July 2025. Within the fifth Interreg NWE call, a total budget of € 287 million is available. The maximum grant amount is 60%.

Apply for Interreg NWE

Would you like to know more about the fifth Interreg NWE call? Or do you want to submit an application and could you use some help? Our specialists have a lot of experience with successful Interreg NWE grant applications and are ready to support you. Feel free to contact us for an introduction. Send an e-mail to or call us directly on 088 495 20 00.

Contact us


Contact us for more information about the Fifth Interreg North West Europe call