ERC Starting and ERC Synergy grant open for applications

Two new calls have been opened within the European Research Council (ERC), part of Horizon Europe. The ERC Starting Grant and ERC Synergy Grant are open for applications. These calls are open to European researchers conducting frontier research, in all fields. Both young and established scientists are eligible.

Five different ERC schemes

There are five different funding schemes within the European Research Council:

  1. ERC Starting Grant
  2. ERC Consolidator Grant;
  3. ERC Advanced Grant;
  4. ERC Proof of Concept Grant;
  5. ERC Synergy Grant

Open for applications

The ERC Starting Grant: Researchers with two to seven years of experience after completing a PhD may be eligible for the ERC Starting Grant. The Starting Grant enables researchers to carry out independent research. You can apply for ERC Starting Grant until 15 October 2024.

ERC Synergy Grant: Collaborating researchers with different skills to tackle major research problems may be eligible for the ERC Synergy Grant. A minimum of two and a maximum of four researchers work together on the project. This requires the scientists to have a track record of early achievements or a 10-year track record. Applications for ERC Synergy Grant can be submitted until 6 November 2024.

ERC budgets

Substantial budgets have been made available for both ERC Starting Grant and ERC Synergy Grant;

ERC Starting Grant:

A grant budget of €751.1 million has been made available for this ERC Starting Grant call. Here, the maximum grant is €1.5 million for 5 years. Under certain exceptions, up to €1 million additional funding may be provided.

ERC Synergy Grant:

A total budget of €500 million has been made available for the ERC Synergy Grant call. Here the maximum grant is €10 million for 6 years. In exceptional cases, a maximum of €4 million will be added.

Discover your ERC opportunities?

Are you currently actively engaged in scientific research and wondering whether you are eligible for one of the ERC schemes? Our specialists have extensive knowledge and experience and would be happy to help you determine your grant opportunities. Feel free to contact us; one of our specialists will gladly help you. You can contact us via or call to 088 495 20 00.

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