ERC awarded 494 Starting Grant proposals in 2024

The European Research Council (ERC) has now awarded €780 million in Starting Grants. ERC, part of the Horizon Europe program, promotes frontier scientific research within Europe through the best research teams. Of all applications submitted for the ERC Starting Grant-call 2024, 494 have been awarded.

Statistics ERC Starting Grant-Call 2024

Applicants submitted a total of 3474 ERC Starting Grant proposals from 24 different EU states. Of these, 494 proposals were awarded funding, leading to an award rate of 14.2%.

ERC Starting Grant visual EN 2024

For whom is ERC Starting Grant?

The ERC Starting Grant was created to encourage researchers with two to seven years of research experience after obtaining their PhD. The grant can support researchers in establishing an independent line of research. Here, only researchers with a high-quality CV and a ground-breaking research proposal stand a chance. With the ERC Starting Grant, researchers receive a maximum of € 1.5 million for five years.

Interested in ERC grant?

Are you active in conducting groundbreaking scientific research? You may be eligible for ERC funding. In addition to the ERC Starting Grant, there are four other grant programs for which you may be eligible. Are you curious about what ERC funding opportunities are available to you? Schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our specialists to analyse your options. You can schedule a consultation via or call to 088 495 20 00.

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