Attract new AI talent with the AiNed Fellowship Grants

Artifical Intelligence (AI) is a key technology that has an incredible amount of potential. To discover these possibilities, talent is needed. However, there is a lot of international competition to get and keep these talents within the academy. This is why the AiNed Fellowship Grants were established, together with NWO and the Dutch AI Coalition. With these fellowships, Dutch academic research organisations can attract new AI talent. With their knowledge and expertise, these talents contribute to strengthening the national AI ecosystem of the Netherlands.

AiNed Fellowship Grants for academic organisations

The fellowships are aimed at attracting AI talent to a (tenure track) UD, UHD or professor position and are applied for by Dutch academic research organisations. These include universities and the NWO and KNAW institutes. The organisation itself selects the AI talent. With the help of the grant they can then offer the talent a more attractive starting package.

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Budget and grant

Almost € 20 million is available for these fellowships for the first round (2022-2023). It is expected that 23 applications can be awarded from this budget. The grant will cover the following costs:

  • Personnel costs of PhD and/or postdoc positions of at least € 785,000 up to a maximum budget of three PhD positions (at a UNL rate of 2022, this is € 806,211 including benchfees);
  • Material costs and investments up to a maximum of € 38,903.

When can you apply for these grants?

You can apply from 5 September 2022 until 15 December 2023 or until the budget runs out. Complete applications will be processed in order of receipt. NWO tries to inform you within two months after submission whether your application has been awarded or rejected.

Aim of the AiNed Fellowship Grants

Internationally, AI talent is in competition. With these fellowship grants, AiNed aims to attract and retain this talent. This then also promotes the development and application of AI in Dutch businesses and governments. In this way, AiNed contributes to strengthening the international competitive position of the Netherlands.

Interested in these grants?

Do you need advice or support in getting an AiNed Fellowship Grant? Our AI specialists are well versed in acquiring and retaining grants for academic organisations. They regularly assist in acquiring grants for both Dutch and foreign universities, such as the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and grants from NWO itself, such as Veni, Vidi, Vici and Rubicon.

Contact us for an introductory meeting free of charge about the AiNed Fellowship Grants!

Contact us for more information
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00


Contact us for a one-on-one meeting with one of our AI specialists! They will be happy to assist you in exploring these and other interesting grant opportunities: