ATTRACT call for breakthrough scientific technologies by fundamental research

Why do some of Europe’s hottest start-ups decide to move to Silicon Valley? The ATTRACT project states this is caused because of a lack of breakthrough science. ATTRACT is therefore aimed at stimulating scaling up promising European ventures to global markets.

ATTRACT is a pioneering initiative bringing together Europe’s fundamental research and industrial communities to lead the next generation of detection and imaging technologies. The programme is co-funded by Horizon 2020 and aims to help revamp Europe’s economy and improve people’s lives by creating products, services, companies and jobs.

€ 17 million for pioneering detection and imaging technologies

ATTRACT has just opened a call that is looking for researchers, entrepreneurs and companies that help bringing forward breakthrough projects within the field of pioneering imaging and sensor technologies. In total 170 breakthrough technology concepts will be funded by ATTRACT.

Interested in applying?

  • The call focuses on imaging and detection technologies. Proposals for projects are requested in the following domains: sensors, front and back end electronics, data acquisition systems and computing, software and integration.
  • The grant amount is € 100,000.- per project.
  • Applications can be submitted from August 1 until the October 31, 2018.
  • Participation in the ATTRACT Open Call is open to all legal entities having their seat in EU or H2020 Associated Countries. Applicants can thus be companies, university researchers, research organisations or other entities.
  • Collaboration is key: only project proposals involving at least two independent legal entities can be submitted. These can be located in the same country.
  • The duration of a project is one year.

Dedicated and experienced team of specialists

Our team consists of ambitious and entrepreneurial consultants with high-quality backgrounds and provides grant advice specific for both fundamental scientific research and commercial R&D. Our consultants speak the clients’ language and their backgrounds match the clients’ sectors. Their scientific backgrounds range from High Tech Systems and Materials, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Health and Nutrition, to eHealth and Neuroscience.

Are you interested in the ATTRACT call or other funding opportunities for your innovation? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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Are you interested in the ATTRACT call or other funding opportunities for your innovation? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information!