Accelerate the development of your innovative solution with the INNO4COV-19 call

Have you been working on an innovation that can be a solution to COVID-19 problems? And has this innovation already been validated in lab environments (TRL 6 or higher)? Then accelerate the development and commercialization of your innovative solution with the INNO4COV-19 open call! The second (and last) round is currently open to applications and will close on April 30, 2021. Read more about this call.

Technology domains eligible for funding

There are four domains that might fit your innovative solution:

  • Innovative diagnostics and screening systems
    • Fast, cost-effective, easy deployable. New methods for screening of lungs, using for example Artificial Intelligence (AI) or advanced photonic solutions.
  • Environmental surveillance
    • Sewage, air, or other medium sampling to detect viral (re) emergence and spread.
  • Protective equipment for people and safer public
    • Sensors, sterilisation, including robotics and AI solutions, for disinfection and social distancing in environments such as healthcare and public spaces (in- and outdoor)
  • Sensors and devices for telemedicine and telepresence
    • Smart wearable devices, robotics/AI, telemedicine, telepresence, continuous monitoring of patient parameters.

Not sure if your project fits one of these domains? Contact us to find out which domain fits best.


Who is eligible?

The call is looking for innovations by companies or small consortia of companies. Your company has to be based in a European Union (EU) member state or a H2020 association country. Furthermore, your organisation is active in the following sectors: healthcare, medicine, biotech, biopharma and IT related topics.

Important to note is that research and technology organisations are not eligible. Furthermore, applications will not be accepted from persons or organisations who are partners in the INNO4COV-19 platform or who are formally linked to partners of platform.

Information on project duration and funding

You are able to request up to € 100.000,- (100% of the project costs) for your project. The project may last a maximum of 1 year. In total 12 projects can be funded in this round. Have you already submitted an application for the previous round? Then you can submit another application for this round. However, the total budget cannot be higher than € 100.000,-.

More information on this call?

Contact us for additional information on INNO4COV-19 and how to apply. Hezelburcht is specialized in drafting strong applications as well as reviewing proposals. We would be pleased to support your organisation or consortium with the realization of your innovative solution!

Contact us!
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00


Would you like to learn more about the INNO4COV-19 call? Contact us for more information!