Transport & Logistics
The European Union (EU) strives to remain the world’s biggest innovation leader. In order to improve its competitiveness, the EU invests billions in grant programmes every year. By doing so, the EU aims to stimulate innovation and cooperation between its Member States and sectors, including the Transport & Logistics sector. Grants are available for innovative projects focusing on key themes, among which the improvement of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
Funding opportunities for Transport & Logistics
Europe invests in efficient, safe and sustainable logistics. Therefore, European subsidy programmes like CEF Transport and Horizon Europe support innovative, high-impact projects which improve the European transportation sector. This can be done in many ways, for example by alleviating bottlenecks, facilitating the implementation of alternative fuels or by improving cross-border connections.
Unequalled track record
Hezelburcht has extensive experience with (innovative) European logistics projects and has managed the applications for various organisations, including local and regional governments, multinational corporations and SMEs. For instance, within the CEF programme, Hezelburcht coordinated over thirty grant applications, among others for the Provinces of Groningen and Fryslân, Swedegas, Axègaz, Port of Gothenburg and Uniper. Besides knowledge of grants, Hezelburcht has in depth know-how about blended finance opportunities, such as CEF Transport & EFSI.
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